Jakub Bordáš

Jakub Bordáš

Student & Full-stack Developer

Bratislava, Slovakia


Hello! I am Jakub, currently on level 21. I enjoy building fullstack applications using various technologies. I currently study Computer Science in Bratislava.

Work Experience

2024 - present

Trainee DevOps Engineer — Erste Digital

In my current role I am trainee in the field of DevOps with the focus on monitoring.

Prometheus • Grafana

2023 - 2024

Full-stack Developer — Neoloop

In this role I utilized my knowledge of full-stack development in meta framework SvelteKit.

JavaScript • SvelteKit • Prisma

2022 - 2023

Python Developer — Slovanet

Using my knowledge of Python, I dug deep into the Odoo framework and worked on developing custom modules for the finance and HR departments.

Python • Odoo • REST • PostgreSQL

Side projects

2024 - 2024

Travelling Mobile App

During my mobile apps course on my university I created a cross-platform mobile app using Expo and React Native to help travellers explore new places and share their experiences.

React Native • Expo • Express.js

2024 - 2024

Steam Friends Library Compare

In my free time, I created a full-stack application that allows users to compare their Steam libraries which is not possible on Steam itself.

Vue 3 • TailwindCSS • Express.js

2022 - present

Graphic Designer & Developer — Ynet

While studying at university, I volunteer at a local non-profit where I develop core applications and create graphic materials.

PHP • Yii • Figma • Photoshop



SvelteKit • Vue 3 • React Native • TailwindCSS


Express.js • NestJS • PostgreSQL • Prisma


Docker • GitHub Actions